From the State Library

The Buckeye Children’s and Teen Book Awards voting period begins next Wednesday, September 1 through November 10. Buckeye Book Award voting will take place online at There will be a button for students to vote directly, as well as a button for teachers and librarians who collect student votes and wish to submit them in bulk.
Now is a great time to set up a display of Buckeye Book Award nominated titles as well as past winners, reach out to teachers, and compose a message to post to your social media next Wednesday.
Lists of the nominated titles in each grade band are here: All these titles were nominated exclusively by Ohio students!
Nominations for the Buckeye Book Awards are open year-round. Encourage children and teens to nominate their favorite new books anytime here:
The Buckeye Children’s and Teen Book Awards is Ohio’s readers’ choice book award program for students in grades K-12. It is one of the few readers’ choice awards in which exclusively students (not adults) make all the nominations as well as vote for the winners.

The Collaborative Summer Library Program is seeking program ideas for children, teens, and adults. CSLP’s annual programming manual is made up of submissions from public librarians nationwide. The 2023 theme is friendship and kindness, and the slogan will be “All Together Now.”
CSLP is also gathering reproducible/printable standalone resources, handouts, worksheets, recordings, and recommended books, websites, and apps for children, teens, and adults. And early literacy activities, tips, media, and book recommendations as well!
Submit your ideas or resources today:

If you work in a rural public library, you may be eligible to apply for free books through the
Pilcrow Foundation Rural Public Library Grant program.
The Pilcrow Foundation provides new, quality, hardcover children’s books to rural public libraries across the United States.  It provides a 2-to-1 match to rural public libraries that receive a grant through its Children’s Book Project. The library or its sponsors/partners contribute $200-400 and Pilcrow Foundation matches with $400-800 for a total grant of $600-1200 worth of new children’s books. To be considered for the current round, send your application by October 1, 2021. 
The Pilcrow Foundation provides a list of over 500 quality hardcover children’s books from which Children’s Book Project grant recipients can select books best suited for their community. The book list includes award-winning and star-reviewed titles from educational and literary organizations.
Please see the Pilcrow Foundation website to read the criteria for qualification as a rural library, as well as all the grant details, instructions, and application form:
Template 11 - NEO-RLS News-August 30, 2021

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